PCC David Sidwick - Make Dorset The Safest County 2023/24
"Since becoming PCC, I have overseen investment in strengthening neighbourhood policing - with the Force exceeding its officer recruitment targets - and Dorset Police has initiated new ground-breaking policing operations such as Op Viper and Op Scorpion to tackle county lines and drug crime. I have also invested in tackling ASB through Op Relentless and my Op Relentless Community Fund, and put vital resources into tackling rural crime.
Funding for all this good work is crucial and I have lobbied hard all year in ever changing political circumstances to get more government funding for Dorset. I have made no secret of my frustration that Dorset Police is one of the lowest funded forces in the country and I am absolutely intent on changing that.
The increase in precept this year will ensure that all the good work that I have already mentioned, and which is further outlined in this leaflet, can be maintained. The increase should also allow the Force to overrecruit by an additional 15 police officers.
I would much rather not have to come to you to ask for funding, but I do want to be able to keep on ensuring success on your behalf. I want to keep on delivering my Police and Crime Plan, the document that contains your policing priorities. I want to be able to say to you in a year’s time that Dorset is one of the top five safest counties and I am committed to ensuring that every penny of this precept funding will be spent wisely and that Dorset residents feel the benefits. And, as promised, I will continue to be transparent about my precept decisions by providing you with updates such as the one you are reading right now.
Thank you for your continued support, it is an honour to continue to serve as your Police and Crime Commissioner."
DAVID SIDWICK Police & Crime Commissioner
The Precept leaflet for 2023/24 (Also downloadable here)
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